Near Northside

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Welcome to the Near Northside Complete Communities page. We asked you to identify the essential elements needed to make your community complete. From public safety, affordable housing, education, mobility, and green space, Near Northside residents spoke out, and we’re listening.


Over 250 stakeholders and partners attended two large public meetings, and provided input and guidance for the creation of the Near Northside Complete Communities Action Plan. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the process. A special thanks goes to community leaders and partners who helped guide the community engagement process and ensure that the plan reflects a community consensus.

You can access the Action Plan in English or Spanish.

This page will serve as a basis for continued community engagement through surveys, polls, and forums to implement projects that completes Near Northside's vision. Please fill out a quick form to let us know what community topics interest you.

Information about the Complete Communities Program can be accessed here.

Community Visioning with Houston Land Bank Recap

Community Visioning Sessions

for 3201 Hardy and 1406 Hays Street

(former Yellow Cab sites).The Houston Land Bank kicked off the community engagement process on Thursday, July 14 at Avenue Center at 6 p.m. With support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the purpose of this workshop was to seek input from community members to reimagine a more beneficial use for the former Yellow Cab property at 3201 Hardy Street, Houston, TX 77009. Furthermore, they discussed options for single family affordable housing that most align with the community’s desires and how to integrate mixed-use and community resources within the site. The community visioning event had 50 attendees from the Near Northside community, all of whom provided insightful quantitative and qualitative feedback during the interactive exercises of the evening. There were six activity boards provided by the Perkins &Will architectural firm, who the Houston Land Bank is partnered with for the Near Northside revitalization initiative. The boards were of three site analysis, one housing typologies, one community amenities/ recreational amenities, and one site remediation.

Read the full story here.

CenterPoint Energy's Agencies in Action Program


You qualify if:

  • You are a residential customer of CenterPoint Energy Electric.
  • Your home is at least 16 years old.
  • Your annual household income qualifies you to meet income guidelines or you receive benefits from a public assistance program.
  • (SNAP, Medical Assistance or Medicare, Supplemental Security Income, Public Housing, Children’s Health Insurance, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)

GIVE US A CALL! (855-751-6432) or visit

Harris County Tax Office Can Help


In This 45 Minute Workshop, You Will Learn:

  • How property taxes are calculated
  • How exemptions can save you money
  • How to pay your property taxes

To request a property tax workshop for your group or invite us to your upcoming events please email: or call 713-274-8387



Over 250 stakeholders and partners attended two large public meetings, and provided input and guidance for the creation of the Near Northside Complete Communities Action Plan. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the process. A special thanks goes to community leaders and partners who helped guide the community engagement process and ensure that the plan reflects a community consensus.

You can access the Action Plan in English or Spanish.

This page will serve as a basis for continued community engagement through surveys, polls, and forums to implement projects that completes Near Northside's vision. Please fill out a quick form to let us know what community topics interest you.

Information about the Complete Communities Program can be accessed here.

Community Visioning with Houston Land Bank Recap

Community Visioning Sessions

for 3201 Hardy and 1406 Hays Street

(former Yellow Cab sites).The Houston Land Bank kicked off the community engagement process on Thursday, July 14 at Avenue Center at 6 p.m. With support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the purpose of this workshop was to seek input from community members to reimagine a more beneficial use for the former Yellow Cab property at 3201 Hardy Street, Houston, TX 77009. Furthermore, they discussed options for single family affordable housing that most align with the community’s desires and how to integrate mixed-use and community resources within the site. The community visioning event had 50 attendees from the Near Northside community, all of whom provided insightful quantitative and qualitative feedback during the interactive exercises of the evening. There were six activity boards provided by the Perkins &Will architectural firm, who the Houston Land Bank is partnered with for the Near Northside revitalization initiative. The boards were of three site analysis, one housing typologies, one community amenities/ recreational amenities, and one site remediation.

Read the full story here.

CenterPoint Energy's Agencies in Action Program


You qualify if:

  • You are a residential customer of CenterPoint Energy Electric.
  • Your home is at least 16 years old.
  • Your annual household income qualifies you to meet income guidelines or you receive benefits from a public assistance program.
  • (SNAP, Medical Assistance or Medicare, Supplemental Security Income, Public Housing, Children’s Health Insurance, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)

GIVE US A CALL! (855-751-6432) or visit

Harris County Tax Office Can Help


In This 45 Minute Workshop, You Will Learn:

  • How property taxes are calculated
  • How exemptions can save you money
  • How to pay your property taxes

To request a property tax workshop for your group or invite us to your upcoming events please email: or call 713-274-8387


  • The Near Northside Complete Communities Action Plans calls for “Expanding community job training, career development, and placement programs to prepare residents for, and employ them in, growing sectors of the economy”. The first action step is to “Survey residents to identify skill training and continuing education needs”. 

    The Near Northside Skill Training and Continuing Education Survey is designed to identify and address neighborhood skill deficiencies. Our goal is to proactively address the skills gap and prepare residents to win in the workforce. With your feedback we can start marshalling the resources needed to help you land your dream job.

    Take Survey
    Share Near Northside Skills Training & Education Survey on Facebook Share Near Northside Skills Training & Education Survey on Twitter Share Near Northside Skills Training & Education Survey on Linkedin Email Near Northside Skills Training & Education Survey link
  • Want to get involved and take action to make your community complete? Please take this survey to let us know what areas of community work interest you. Whether your passion is in boosting affordable housing, having high-quality education, increasing safety, and promote healthy living - there are many opportunities to participate. 

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 31 Jul 2024, 02:53 PM