Greater Inwood

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Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Planning:

Working Group Meeting

Greater Inwood Community,

Thank you for your ongoing involvement in Neighborhood Resilience Planning. We are now proceeding with implementing the projects outlined in the plan document.

The Planning and Development Department held the Greater Inwood NRP, Vision into Action virtual meeting on Tuesday, July 23rd. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the Neighborhood Resilience Plan and to select the first project for implementation. Attendees chose the Public Safety Category project, which involves installing lighting along the Trails (Vogel Creek) as the first project.

Please attend our first working group meeting. At this meeting, we will discuss product options, recommendation locations, funding opportunities, and team assignments. Your support in participating in the working group will help ensure the project’s success.

Our virtual working group meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 6 PM. We look forward to seeing you!

Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID: 298 485 426 152, Passcode: Dpj7c4


The Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Plan is the result of a 10-month engagement process with the Greater Inwood community. It includes the vision and goals expressed by the community, a brief community history, existing conditions analysis, a description of the approach to community engagement, projects developed to further the vision and goals that will increase resilience, and the tools that lay the foundation for implementation.

This plan also guides and supports decision-making for local investments in physical infrastructure, programs, and policies. The Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Plan provides the foundation for forming collaborative partnerships with local government, philanthropy, community-based groups, and other organizations. The plan establishes a clear vision that the community can use to get organized and outlines a process that various stakeholders can use to collaborate with the community to achieve shared goals. It defines projects and programs for the neighborhood to plan for resilience challenges.

The Greater Inwood Resilience Plan can be accessed via the link below.

Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Plan

LISC Houston Pre-development and Preservation Grant Application

LISC announced the launch of LISC Houston’s Pre-development and Preservation Grant Application. This funding opportunity aims to tackle the pressing challenges of attainable affordable housing in the Greater Houston area by bolstering the development and preservation of both single family and multifamily affordable housing units including mixed use developments.

This grant offers funding for:

  1. Pre-development activities, which are crucial but often underfunded stages of housing projects. This includes but is not limited to costs associated with site assessments, architectural planning, legal fees, and environmental studies.
  2. Preservation of existing affordable housing, which is vital for maintaining the affordability of neighborhoods and preventing displacement. This aspect of the grant helps extend the lifespan of housing projects and ensures they continue to serve the community effectively.

For more details, please read through the grant application. As a courtesy, the document includes the application questions. Please note, application submissions are done online – more details in the grant application

Key Details:

Grant Amount: up to $25,000

Application Deadline - Online Submission: 12pm, July 8, 2024 via click here

If you or someone you know has a project that fits within the scope of opportunity, we encourage you to apply. Additionally, we ask for your support in sharing this opportunity with others who might be interested.

Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Planning:

Working Group Meeting

Greater Inwood Community,

Thank you for your ongoing involvement in Neighborhood Resilience Planning. We are now proceeding with implementing the projects outlined in the plan document.

The Planning and Development Department held the Greater Inwood NRP, Vision into Action virtual meeting on Tuesday, July 23rd. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the Neighborhood Resilience Plan and to select the first project for implementation. Attendees chose the Public Safety Category project, which involves installing lighting along the Trails (Vogel Creek) as the first project.

Please attend our first working group meeting. At this meeting, we will discuss product options, recommendation locations, funding opportunities, and team assignments. Your support in participating in the working group will help ensure the project’s success.

Our virtual working group meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 6 PM. We look forward to seeing you!

Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID: 298 485 426 152, Passcode: Dpj7c4


The Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Plan is the result of a 10-month engagement process with the Greater Inwood community. It includes the vision and goals expressed by the community, a brief community history, existing conditions analysis, a description of the approach to community engagement, projects developed to further the vision and goals that will increase resilience, and the tools that lay the foundation for implementation.

This plan also guides and supports decision-making for local investments in physical infrastructure, programs, and policies. The Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Plan provides the foundation for forming collaborative partnerships with local government, philanthropy, community-based groups, and other organizations. The plan establishes a clear vision that the community can use to get organized and outlines a process that various stakeholders can use to collaborate with the community to achieve shared goals. It defines projects and programs for the neighborhood to plan for resilience challenges.

The Greater Inwood Resilience Plan can be accessed via the link below.

Greater Inwood Neighborhood Resilience Plan

LISC Houston Pre-development and Preservation Grant Application

LISC announced the launch of LISC Houston’s Pre-development and Preservation Grant Application. This funding opportunity aims to tackle the pressing challenges of attainable affordable housing in the Greater Houston area by bolstering the development and preservation of both single family and multifamily affordable housing units including mixed use developments.

This grant offers funding for:

  1. Pre-development activities, which are crucial but often underfunded stages of housing projects. This includes but is not limited to costs associated with site assessments, architectural planning, legal fees, and environmental studies.
  2. Preservation of existing affordable housing, which is vital for maintaining the affordability of neighborhoods and preventing displacement. This aspect of the grant helps extend the lifespan of housing projects and ensures they continue to serve the community effectively.

For more details, please read through the grant application. As a courtesy, the document includes the application questions. Please note, application submissions are done online – more details in the grant application

Key Details:

Grant Amount: up to $25,000

Application Deadline - Online Submission: 12pm, July 8, 2024 via click here

If you or someone you know has a project that fits within the scope of opportunity, we encourage you to apply. Additionally, we ask for your support in sharing this opportunity with others who might be interested.

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • Public Meeting #1

    by MarcusA.Tucker_5513, over 1 year ago
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    Neighborhood Resilience Planning is underway in the Greater Inwood Super Neighborhood

    Neighborhood Resilience Plans are a crucial step towards realizing the vision established in Resilient Houston (External link), Mayor Turner’s citywide resilience plan unveiled in 2020. So, the Greater Inwood community is partnering with the City of Houston to create a neighborhood scale plan that can help address resilience issues specific to the area within the boundaries of the Greater Inwood Super Neighborhood. More information about the program is available here.

    Community participation in the year-long planning process is critical to creating a successful plan. A Neighborhood Support Team (NST) made up of community leaders has been established to provide input on what's already happening, areas of concern, meeting locations and agendas. Most importantly, they serve as ambassadors by encouraging participation from everyone in the community.

    The first phase of the planning process is to identify issues and opportunities. These are the things that are loved in the community or are going well, and things that need to be addressed. Over 50 people came out to the White Oak Conference Center on Thursday, July 27, 2023 to help paint the resilience vision for Greater Inwood!

    It is not too late to join the conversation! Use this Issues and Opportunities interactive map to identify places or things you love and places that need attention.

    Take a moment to respond to a short Vision and Purpose Survey to tell us more about your community.

    For background information on the program or to see what's happening in other neighborhoods visit Neighborhood Resilience Planning Program.

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Page last updated: 13 Aug 2024, 01:21 PM