North Houston Highway Improvement Project (NHHIP)

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UPDATE: The FEIS Comment Period closed on December 9, 2020. This page will remain as an archive and may be updated periodically.

The City of Houston, Harris County, and METRO submitted comments on the FEIS to TxDOT on December 8. The technical team has also released their report on the FEIS. This is a document produced by the technical team as part of the NHHIP Facilitation process. It is not intended to be complete review of the FEIS, nor a formal stand-alone comment on the FEIS. All files can be found on the right-hand side under "Documents."

TxDOT has posted their Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project and the review period runs through December 9, 2020.

We have included a user guide for how to make effective comments, and fact sheets are located in the 'Documents' panel with details and analysis of the FEIS. Please use the question feature at the bottom of this page to ask the technical team questions or get feedback on your comments before you submit them.

Below you can watch the presentation in both English and Spanish to learn what's in the Mayor's letter, the County's resolution, TxDOT's FEIS, what happens next, and how you can make your voice heard in this process. This was given at three workshops held jointly by the City and County in late October.

Comments should be sent to the Texas Department of Transportation, Attention: Director of Project Development, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251, or by email to: HOU-piowebmail@ . For further information or to request a copy of the FEIS, please contact the Director of Project Development, (713) 802-5070.

NHHIP Community Workshop (English):

Vea la presentación en español: / Watch the presentation in Spanish:

UPDATE: The FEIS Comment Period closed on December 9, 2020. This page will remain as an archive and may be updated periodically.

The City of Houston, Harris County, and METRO submitted comments on the FEIS to TxDOT on December 8. The technical team has also released their report on the FEIS. This is a document produced by the technical team as part of the NHHIP Facilitation process. It is not intended to be complete review of the FEIS, nor a formal stand-alone comment on the FEIS. All files can be found on the right-hand side under "Documents."

TxDOT has posted their Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the North Houston Highway Improvement Project and the review period runs through December 9, 2020.

We have included a user guide for how to make effective comments, and fact sheets are located in the 'Documents' panel with details and analysis of the FEIS. Please use the question feature at the bottom of this page to ask the technical team questions or get feedback on your comments before you submit them.

Below you can watch the presentation in both English and Spanish to learn what's in the Mayor's letter, the County's resolution, TxDOT's FEIS, what happens next, and how you can make your voice heard in this process. This was given at three workshops held jointly by the City and County in late October.

Comments should be sent to the Texas Department of Transportation, Attention: Director of Project Development, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251, or by email to: HOU-piowebmail@ . For further information or to request a copy of the FEIS, please contact the Director of Project Development, (713) 802-5070.

NHHIP Community Workshop (English):

Vea la presentación en español: / Watch the presentation in Spanish:

The technical team can try to answer any questions you may have. We can also look over your comments before you submit them to TxDOT. Podemos responder preguntas en inglés y español.

Please check back for answers regularly. We will be adding answers as we have them.
These answers are based on the best information available to the technical team; they have not been reviewed by TxDOT and do not represent any official response to the project on the part of the city or any other entity. /

El equipo técnico puede intentar responder a cualquier pregunta que pueda tener. También podemos revisar sus comentarios antes de que los envies a TxDOT.

Por favor, regrese regularmente a este sitio web para obtener respuestas.
Estas respuestas se basan en la mejor información disponible para el equipo técnico; no han sido revisadas por TxDOT y no representan ninguna respuesta oficial al proyecto por parte de la ciudad o cualquier otra entidad.

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  • Share Has METRO released a list of connections that are the highest priority for including in comments to TxDOT? on Facebook Share Has METRO released a list of connections that are the highest priority for including in comments to TxDOT? on Twitter Share Has METRO released a list of connections that are the highest priority for including in comments to TxDOT? on Linkedin Email Has METRO released a list of connections that are the highest priority for including in comments to TxDOT? link

    Has METRO released a list of connections that are the highest priority for including in comments to TxDOT?

    Public Meeting Comment asked about 4 years ago

    METRO is reviewing the document but has not yet released their response to the FEIS. A METRO committee briefing on Nov 14, 2019 included some highlights of major METRO concerns:

  • Share Hello, I'm Daniel Brill, a student at Texas State University and I was wondering what the status of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project is? on Facebook Share Hello, I'm Daniel Brill, a student at Texas State University and I was wondering what the status of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project is? on Twitter Share Hello, I'm Daniel Brill, a student at Texas State University and I was wondering what the status of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project is? on Linkedin Email Hello, I'm Daniel Brill, a student at Texas State University and I was wondering what the status of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project is? link

    Hello, I'm Daniel Brill, a student at Texas State University and I was wondering what the status of the North Houston Highway Improvement Project is?

    Daniel asked over 4 years ago

    TxDOT has released the Final Environmental Impacts Statement and we are in a review period where TxDOt is taking public comment. After that period, TxDOT can adopt a “Record of Decision” which would allow them to process with construction. However, the City of Houston and Harris County have requested that TxDOT study additional alternatives for Segments 1 and 2 and some modifications to the design on Segment 3, TxDOT says they will consider these after the ROD.

  • Share FHWA allows the cap parks to have buildings and not just parks, will housing be put in the cap parks to assist with displacement? Will TxDOT put together a feasibility study? Opinion is that the COH should ask TxDOT for housing to be evaluated in the cap parks. on Facebook Share FHWA allows the cap parks to have buildings and not just parks, will housing be put in the cap parks to assist with displacement? Will TxDOT put together a feasibility study? Opinion is that the COH should ask TxDOT for housing to be evaluated in the cap parks. on Twitter Share FHWA allows the cap parks to have buildings and not just parks, will housing be put in the cap parks to assist with displacement? Will TxDOT put together a feasibility study? Opinion is that the COH should ask TxDOT for housing to be evaluated in the cap parks. on Linkedin Email FHWA allows the cap parks to have buildings and not just parks, will housing be put in the cap parks to assist with displacement? Will TxDOT put together a feasibility study? Opinion is that the COH should ask TxDOT for housing to be evaluated in the cap parks. link

    FHWA allows the cap parks to have buildings and not just parks, will housing be put in the cap parks to assist with displacement? Will TxDOT put together a feasibility study? Opinion is that the COH should ask TxDOT for housing to be evaluated in the cap parks.

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    We do not see any commitments to this in the FEIS. The Downtown Management District has been working with TxDOT to explore putting structures on top of caps.

  • Share Caps: is TxDOT paying for both the structure (beams, cap) and the concrete on top of the structure to develop on) on Facebook Share Caps: is TxDOT paying for both the structure (beams, cap) and the concrete on top of the structure to develop on) on Twitter Share Caps: is TxDOT paying for both the structure (beams, cap) and the concrete on top of the structure to develop on) on Linkedin Email Caps: is TxDOT paying for both the structure (beams, cap) and the concrete on top of the structure to develop on) link

    Caps: is TxDOT paying for both the structure (beams, cap) and the concrete on top of the structure to develop on)

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    According to the FEIS, “The Preferred Alternative provides a structural “cap” over the proposed depressed lanes of I-45 and US 59/I-69 from approximately Commerce Street to Lamar Street. There would also be a structural cap over the depressed lanes of US 59/I-69 between approximately Main Street and Fannin Street, and in the area of the Caroline Street/Wheeler Street intersection. Future use of the structural cap areas for another purpose would require additional development and funding by entities other than TxDOT. (p.2-65 - 2-66) The schematics call out box beams, ventilation fans, and a deck.

  • Share On White Oak Bayou, if TxDOT is saying it is not a park, what are they doing for mitigation? What is the City doing? Bayou Greenways were designated as linear parks. on Facebook Share On White Oak Bayou, if TxDOT is saying it is not a park, what are they doing for mitigation? What is the City doing? Bayou Greenways were designated as linear parks. on Twitter Share On White Oak Bayou, if TxDOT is saying it is not a park, what are they doing for mitigation? What is the City doing? Bayou Greenways were designated as linear parks. on Linkedin Email On White Oak Bayou, if TxDOT is saying it is not a park, what are they doing for mitigation? What is the City doing? Bayou Greenways were designated as linear parks. link

    On White Oak Bayou, if TxDOT is saying it is not a park, what are they doing for mitigation? What is the City doing? Bayou Greenways were designated as linear parks.

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    The FEIS commits that TxDOT will “Accommodate or replace existing trails and allow for planned future trails.” (Table A-1, item 5) and “Provide aesthetic improvements along Heights Bike Trail between Taylor Street and Main Street. Coordinate with City of Houston to determine improvements.” (Table A-3, item 5)

  • Share Any study of crash data for 3 vs 2 lanes? on Facebook Share Any study of crash data for 3 vs 2 lanes? on Twitter Share Any study of crash data for 3 vs 2 lanes? on Linkedin Email Any study of crash data for 3 vs 2 lanes? link

    Any study of crash data for 3 vs 2 lanes?

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    We do not know of any study that would show the safety impacts of 3 lane feeder roads compared to 2 lane frontage roads, and we have found no discussion in the FEIS of the safety impacts of widening the frontage roads.

  • Share Did they model the completion of the Hardy Toll Road to downtown? on Facebook Share Did they model the completion of the Hardy Toll Road to downtown? on Twitter Share Did they model the completion of the Hardy Toll Road to downtown? on Linkedin Email Did they model the completion of the Hardy Toll Road to downtown? link

    Did they model the completion of the Hardy Toll Road to downtown?

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    According to page 2-4 and 2-5 of the FEIS, the analysis assumes the completion of the Hardy Toll Road Extension to Downtown.

  • Share Why was only a 30-day review period given? on Facebook Share Why was only a 30-day review period given? on Twitter Share Why was only a 30-day review period given? on Linkedin Email Why was only a 30-day review period given? link

    Why was only a 30-day review period given?

    Natalia Rodriguez asked over 4 years ago

    That is the minimum legal requirement under federal law. TxDOT could, at their discretion, extend the period. Both the Mayor of Houston and the Harris County Judge, along with other elected officials, have asked for the period to be extended.

  • Share What will be the final blueprints? They all say “subject to change”—when will that go away? on Facebook Share What will be the final blueprints? They all say “subject to change”—when will that go away? on Twitter Share What will be the final blueprints? They all say “subject to change”—when will that go away? on Linkedin Email What will be the final blueprints? They all say “subject to change”—when will that go away? link

    What will be the final blueprints? They all say “subject to change”—when will that go away?

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    The drawings won’t be final until construction is starting. However, any changes that would change the description and impacts of the project as states in the FEIS would require new environmental evaluation.

  • Share If TxDOT hasn’t committed to any of our previous comments and they aren’t forced to do so now, why should we take the effort to comment now? on Facebook Share If TxDOT hasn’t committed to any of our previous comments and they aren’t forced to do so now, why should we take the effort to comment now? on Twitter Share If TxDOT hasn’t committed to any of our previous comments and they aren’t forced to do so now, why should we take the effort to comment now? on Linkedin Email If TxDOT hasn’t committed to any of our previous comments and they aren’t forced to do so now, why should we take the effort to comment now? link

    If TxDOT hasn’t committed to any of our previous comments and they aren’t forced to do so now, why should we take the effort to comment now?

    Public Meeting Comment asked over 4 years ago

    TxDOT is required under federal law to submit an FEIS that is complete and accurate, so comments that point out issues with the document should be taken into account. Documenting issues now is critical.

Page last updated: 01 Aug 2024, 02:15 PM