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Thank you for attending the Griggs Rd and MLK Blvd for the bike lane pop-up in support of the future Calhoun/Griggs/MLK safety improvements. This was a preview of the safe, comfortable, and fun future of Griggs Rd.
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We Need Your Help! Blueridge Historic Designation
Do you know about the history of Blueridge and the surrounding area? The City of Houston is working to learn more about the historic development of this area and the people who have lived and may still live in the area. Please help to share your stories, photos, articles, maps and any information you may have on the area, its residents, culture, and architecture.

This information is needed in order to establish eligibility for a historic designation for the area with the Texas Historical Commission and Government Land Office. With historic designation, more Harvey repair funds will be unlocked to restore homes instead of demolishing and building new.
Please call or email us with any information you may have:
(832) 393-6556
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Sunnyside HTX is also looking for Sunnyside residents and supporters with common goals and diverse backgrounds to develop ideas, organize efforts to solve problems. To be a part of this task force, sign-up at
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Thank you to those who attended the November 18 Grimes Park Virtual Community Listening Session, which was held during the Sunnyside Complete Community Meeting. We received great comments, questions, and suggestions for future improvements to Grimes Park as part of Mayor Turner's 50/50 Park Partners initiative.
To view a PDF of the presentation, visit our Community Listening Sessions page and click "Grimes Park Community Listening Session." The recording can be found HERE
Houston Parks Board is continuing to gather community input and feedback. Anyone is able to give input, even if you did not have an opportunity to attend the meeting.
Questions? Email
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The STEM Foundation
What's On The Menu
Science of Fishing (Catching / Placing Tilapia in new aquarium)
A Walk to Community Garden (Is Our Solar Tracker Moving?)
Professional Presentation (A "Flying" Career You Can Have)
Building a Vison Build ("What Do You" Want Others To See)
Building Mini Solar Cars (Xmas presents to others on 12/18)
Come and Get These "Seeds of Success" Please be on time at
9:00AM sharp to get the full course meal.
Questions? For more information, contact us. Ready to enroll your child? Complete our online application.
Solar Outdoor Classroom
4818 Higgins St.
Houston, TX 77033
Share Texas Southern University Offers Free Environmental Job Training Program on Facebook
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Houston residents are invited to apply for career training in the Environmental Career Worker Training Program (ECWTP) for environmental professions. Texas Southern University (TSU) offers 12-week courses in basic construction, weatherization, asbestos and lead abatement, and hazardous waste clean-up. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive certification and will receive assistance with job placement.
The ECWTP is designed to train unemployed and/or underemployed individuals in the Houston area. This training is free and provided at TSU and other selected sites. To submit an application, visit For more information, contact Bertina Carter at 713-313-1406 or via email at
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In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please join us for a Virtual Breast Cancer Event and Balloon release.
Friday, October 15, 2021
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
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Additional Dose
Sometimes people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised do not build enough protection when they get vaccinated. When this happens, getting an additional dose of the vaccine can help them build more protection.
Who: Moderately to severely immunocompromised people who previously received two doses of Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Find a list of qualifying conditions in the original email below or on the CDC website.
What: People who qualify are recommended to get an additional dose of the same Moderna or Pfizer vaccine they received for their first two doses. If a person can’t get the same vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) they received for their first two doses, they can get the other. (People who received Johnson & Johnson vaccine should not get an additional dose at this time.)
When: People who qualify should get an additional dose at least 28 days after their second dose. The additional dose is the same formulation as the first two doses.
Where: Anywhere vaccines are offered, including Houston Health Department sites.
Why: A third dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine helps build more protection for people who may not have received enough protection from the first two doses.
Booster Shot
Sometimes people have an adequate response to an initial vaccination but the protection may decrease over time. When this happens, a booster dose can help “re-invigorate” protection.
Who: Residents aged 18 years and older in long-term care settings, people aged 65 and older, people aged 50–64 years with underlying medical conditions, and other groups at high risk of exposure who previously received Pfizer vaccine for their first two doses. Find a list of qualifying populations in the original email below or on the CDC website.
What: People who qualify are recommended to get a booster dose of Pfizer vaccine. The additional dose is the same formulation as the first two doses. Boosters are currently only authorized for people who received Pfizer for their first two doses. Another vaccine type is not recommended to be substituted.
When: People who qualify should get a booster shot of Pfizer at least six months after their first two doses of Pfizer.
Where: Anywhere vaccines are offered, including Houston Health Department sites.
Why: A booster shot of Pfizer vaccine helps boost protection over time.
These are the current recommendations and may change as new data are received and evaluated.
We encourage you to utilize the following resources for valuable information about COVID-19: